Gospel Echoes Team Association, Canada West, was incorporated in 1991 as a Registered Charity (#132215617RR0001) and is funded by individuals, churches and businesses. Gospel Echoes Team is responsible to an elected Board of Directors. Operations are directed by a Regional Director, Office Manager, and Ministry Team Leader.
God has been faithful, and today the ministry is moving forward with the help of many prayer warriors, volunteers, graders, and contributors.
To God be the glory; great things He has done and is doing today!

We Believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only Son of the living God, Who by His virgin birth, appeared among man as the Lamb of God to be the supreme sacrifice, the only atonement for the sin of all men by the shedding of His precious blood on the cross of Calvary. (Luke 1:26-35; John 3:1-21)
We Believe that Jesus died, was buried, arose from the grave on the third day, ascended into Heaven where He now is the mediator between God and man, and that He shall return to take His Bride, the church, to be with Him forever. (Matt. 27:34-28:10; Luke 24:50-53; John 14; Acts 1:9-11)
We Believe that those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour shall upon departure from this life enter a place of conscious eternal punishment, Hell. (Rev. 20:14-15; Matt. 10:28-30; Luke 16:23; Mark 9:42-48)
We, the Gospel Echoes Team members, although we hold memberships in Mennonite churches in our home areas, are committed to work in love with all born again Christians to accomplish this great task before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ whose kingdom shall have no end.
In the ministry of the Gospel Echoes Team we feel our responsibility and calling is to help men and women in need behind bars.